The new veterinarian job also gives your sims new things to do. Other minor glitches that sometimes occur in the game including dogs with a strong “fear” personality being afraid of absolutely everything in the home, and animals panicking in the vet and never calming down. Without a clear need bar, it can quickly become tedious to follow the pet around and attempt to balance care. Although pets have needs much like real pets, the only way to find out what the pet needs is essentially to go up and ask it. This leads to a minor problem in game play. Pets can’t be micromanaged like Sims can, but they do respond as a typical pet might to basic care. The new neighborhood has dog parks to take your pet to, a new career option for your sims (veterinarian) and allows you to interact with your pet in different ways. The expansion adds a new neighborhood to the Sims world, “Brindleton Bay.” This neighborhood is pet central, with plenty of opportunities for your Sims to interact with their pets.